
Teste - quem é você em Lost?

Olhem que coincidência legal, logo após eu fazer o post sobre o livro Trapaça, descubro que sou o Sawyer em Lost, hehehe:

You Are Sawyer

You are cunning and calculating. Some people would even call you a con artist.
You're smart and get bored easily. You use your biting sense of humor to entertain yourself.

It's been hard for you to trust people throughout your life. You don't get close to anyone. You are a drifter. You don't have permanent ties, and you tend to "disappear" often.

You are introverted and even a bit shy. You don't share the true you with many people. As a result, no one really gets you. At your core, you are a sweet, passionate, and funny person.

E não é que tem bastante coisa que bate? =P

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4 comentários:

Perdido disse...

Eu sou o...

...a Sun?


Andarilho disse...


Ana P. disse...

Não queria colocar as coisas dessa forma, mas vc é bem gostoso, hein...


Andarilho disse...
